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Magic Mixies Mixlings Tap & Reveal Cauldron 2 Pack, Magic Wand Magic Power and Surprise Reveal on Cauldron, for Kids Aged 5 and Up (Styles May Vary),

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AED 79 AED 60
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About the product

  • Your magic wand reveals your Mixlings magic power! Will you find the wand that activates your Enchanters, Morphers and Fliers' Gem? Or will you find the Pippette wand that unleashes your Vanishers power? There's also a Glow In the Dark wand to find that unlocks your Spellsters magic!
  • Your magic wand reveals your Mixlings magic power! Will you find the wand that activates your Enchanters, Morphers and Fliers' Gem? Or will you find the Pippette wand that unleashes your Vanishers power? There's also a Glow In the Dark wand to find that unlocks your Spellsters magic!
  • What magical power does your Mixling have? Are they an Enchanter with enchanting eyes? A Flier with magical appearing wings? A Morphling who can change their shape? A Vanisher that can become invisible or a Spellster who can light up the night?
  • Repeat the magic Cauldron reveal and make the Mixlings appear again and again!
  • Use your Cauldron to store your Mixlings and trinkets!
  • There are 40+ Mixlings to discover and create across Series 1. Collect the whole World of Magic Mixies Mixlings!

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